The Brewer Yacht Sales and the Brewer Yacht Yards crew are gearing up to bring you the Brewer Spring In-Water Boat Show at Brewer Pilots Point Marina in Westbrook, Connecticut. This show is New England’s largest in-water used boat show with over 50 boats on display from 16’ to 60’ . There is no charge for show parking, attendance or slip*. It’s not too late! List your boat in time for the show! Go to breweryacht.com for free registration and sign up.
Only good quality power and sail boats will be shown so if you are in the market for a great boat at a great price, join us on April 26th & 27th from 10AM-4PM. The owners will be aboard and available to answer all your questions. Surveys and sea trials will be done after the show when offers are agreed upon.

There’s something for everyone! Local marine vendors to assist with yacht transport, sail design & repair, yacht finance/re-finance, insurance, canvas, saltwater tackle, boat detailing, Brewer awlgrip/gelcoat specialists, Brewer mechanics, boat lettering, boat towing & assistance, slips/storage, junior & adult sailing, surveyors.
This show will be held rain or shine at the Brewer Pilots Point Marina North Yard in Westbrook, Connecticut. Admission and all parking is free including a slip for the show.*
Buying or selling we invite you to participate! View our Brewer Spring Boat Show Line up! Learn more at breweryacht.com/boatshow.
Brewer Yacht Sales is part of Brewer Yacht Yards and Marinas with twenty three locations in some of the most beautiful cruising grounds found from Maryland to Maine. Brewer Yacht Yards set the highest quality standards in the industry for service and amenities. It is guaranteed that you will find a facility with the perfect ideal slip, storage and service that you are looking for. Haven’t secured a summer slip for the season? Email breweryacht@byy.com to learn more about our 50% off new customer promotion! Slips and moorings from 20’ to 60’ still available for the 2014 season!
For Additional Information:
Visit the Brewer Spring In-Water Boat Show Website -http://www.breweryacht.com/BoatShow.aspx
Email – Jackie Joslyn, jjoslyn@byy.com
Tel: 860-399-6213
*see show details on breweryacht.com.