Craftinsure App


Boat Insurance sails into the 21st Century

The first boat insurance App that has full functionality, allowing you to manage your boat insurance, at your convenience, on your phone., which has been setting the pace since becoming the first online boat insurer back in 2000, has turned the old fashion world of boat insurance on its head again.

The world has moved on. We use our phones to bank, to call a cab and to check the weather; surely you should be able to sort your boat insurance out on your mobile?

Number 1 for convenience and price, Craftinsure has not made the boring world of boat insurance really interesting, but we have made it really easy.

You can take pictures of your boat and the most expensive bits of kit and store them in the App, so if the worst happens, the claim is made simple.

You can make a claim direct from the App on your phone and check progress through the App.

Craftinsure app

The repairers you may need to get back on the water are all on the App and will be listed nearest to where you are.

As you would expect the App will notify you of forthcoming renewal and you can change your premium payment method on the App.

As you will be able to geolocate your boat on the App, it will be able to alert you when a major storm is on the way, but only giving you the ‘heads up’ if the storm is due to hit you, as we know where you boat is moored or kept. We also know what sort of boat, so we can tailor the help to be relevant to you.

As with all Apps, this is the first release, and we are already excited about the updates we have planned which will make the App smarter and smarter.

Craftinsure app

Download at and you will never again think of Boat Insurance as just a policy.

Can your boat insurance do that?


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